Have you ever come across employees who stare at their phones, or who are bored in meetings? Or others who never speak up? But as a leader, you should know that there are concrete solutions to make your meetings more collaborative and productive. “While employee diversity brings many benefits to companies, it is also a huge challenge for them to manage”, reminds professional coach and trainer Joanna Menezes, who hosted this webinar on the subject of inclusive meetings.

There is no diversity without inclusion

“Inclusion remains the key to success, i.e. creating the conditions for everyone to feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued,” she explains. And that means creating a work environment that is conducive to everyone's psychological safety, as well as more inclusive meetings.

What exactly do we mean by that? “Meetings in which everyone's contributions are valued and everyone feels safe from judgment, for example,” answers Joanna Menezes. Unfortunately, this kind of ideal meeting is still far from reality. According to a Harvard Business Review study conducted at a major global bank, only 35% of employees say they feel comfortable contributing regularly to meetings. Introverts, remote workers and women are often among them.

The importance of inclusion in meetings.

Implementing more inclusive meetings, where all ideas are heard, has many benefits for the company:

  • Greater capacity for creativity and innovation
  • Improved problem-solving and decision-making
  • Improved communication and collaboration
  • Increased commitment and retention
  • Employee well-being and team cohesion

5 ways of making meetings more inclusive 

  • Take certain factors into account before the meeting
    For example: Which employees should be invited? What's the best time? What are their needs
  • Create the right conditions
    Set aside time for everyone to introduce themselves, and establish rules concerning punctuality, speaking, telephone use, etc

  • Make sure every voice is heard
    Invite certain employees to speak, prevent others from cutting their colleagues off, and when you're the leader, let others express their ideas first, then speak up

  • Allow everyone to contribute in different ways
    For example, anonymously, using online tools such as Klaxoon, or by allowing participants to send their thoughts by email before or after the meeting.

  • Stimulate creativity and collaboration within the team
    Value all contributions equally to build confidence, encourage everyone to develop their ideas further, turn mistakes into learning opportunities.

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Blog article written by par Laure Blancard : https://www.linkedin.com/in/laure-blancard/