A new year means a new series of webinars for the Cala Learning Hub, the first of which will take place on Friday 2nd February from 1pm to 2pm CET.
What is Cala Learning Hub?
It's an international learning community whose aim is to enable professionals from different backgrounds to meet and exchange views on a range of topics relating to personal and professional development. Our discussions are led by a team of expert coaches and take place in French and in English.
Here is the programme for the coming months. Don't hesitate to save the date and share this opportunity with people in your respective networks!
- 2nd February : How to successfully transition into a new role in 2024 with Joanna MENEZES
- 1st March : Les 5 étapes clés de la régulation des conflits avec Pierre NENERT
- 5th April : Libérez la Puissance de Votre Leadership : 3 apprentissages clés de leadership pour les femmes avec Marie STEPHENSON & Joanna MENEZES
- 3rd May: Goal setting: a powerful tool to attract success and happiness avec Fidèle NIZEYIMANA
- 31st May : 3 clés pour prendre du recul sur vos biais et les challenger avec Nadège DAZY
- 28th June : Developing Positive Intelligence & Boosting Mental Fitness with Kristi SWENSON-ALCOUFFE & Elham ASDAGHI
- 13th September : 5 ways of making meetings more inclusive with Joanna MENEZES
- 11th October : Mieux appréhender et surmonter les malentendus et irritations dans la communication interculturelle avec Sigrid HUBNER-KOLLI
- 8th November : Les 3 défis de l'intergénérationnel à relever entreprise avec Joanna MENEZES
- 5th December : Soirée Réseau Festive!
Please note that these webinars are free of charge and will take place via the Zoom platform.
To receive invitations to the webinars, sign up for our mailing list today!
See you soon!