What is the Cala Leaning Hub?
Joanna Menezes : It is an international learning network that was launched in January 2020 to allow French and international professionals to meet and exchange. The Cala Learning Hub welcomes anyone who wants to develop personally and professionally, whatever their profession, sector of activity or nationality. My aim is to create a space where professionals can discover and discuss different topics, share best practices and develop their peer network. Hence the name Learning Hub.
What does this network concretely bring to its members?
J. M. : Throughout the year, I organise regular events on different L&D (Learning & Development) themes that I run in partnership with my coaching colleagues, trainers and therapists. These can be discovery workshops, dinner-debates or webinars. These meetings are held in English and French and each time, it is an opportunity to meet, but also to initiate discussions on every day challenges they encounter in their work and to share solutions.
How do I join the Cala Learning Hub?
J. M. : It's very simple! Just reach out to me via LinkedIn or via my website to get information on upcoming meetings.